South Indian cuisine - Deal,Kent,UK

South Indian Cuisine is a term used to refer to the cuisines found in the four southern states of India: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

The similarities[citation needed] are the presence of rice as a staple food, the use of lentils and spices, the use of dried red chillies and fresh green chillies, coconut and native fruits and vegetables like tamarind, plantain, snake gourd, garlic, ginger, etc. Overall all the four cuisines have much[citation needed] in common and differ mostly[citation needed] in the spiciness of the food.
Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh use more rice. Karnataka on the other hand consumes more ragi and jowar. Consumption of rice is more common among certain brahmin communities.
The cuisines are largely different even in the nature of spices used. Coconut usage is more common in Kerala and coastal Karnataka than in other regions. There is a huge difference in the food habits of north and south Karnataka. Food in northern Karnataka is more similar to that of central India rather than south India.

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